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National Anthem 《国歌》



In 1931 Japanese troops occupied northeastern China. As students and refugees pour into the city of Shanghai, playwright Tian Han and young composer Nie Er arrive at the battlefront to capture on film the bravery of Chinese soldiers and students who refuse to be enslaved by the invaders. Large numbers of Chinese intellectuals and artists devote themselves to the rescue movement of the nation. Tian, who was once a romance writer, is deeply moved by the patriotism and courage of the students. Shaken by the deaths of his two student friends on the battlefield, he directs a series of films that mark the golden era of Chinese cinema. He composes a patriotic song titled March of the Volunteers for his film Sons and Daughters in a Time of Storm. With the screening of the film, the song gains popularity and gives courage to all Chinese throughout the eight-year war. In 1949, the song was made China's temporary national anthem and was officially designated China's national anthem by the Chinese Constitution in 1982.

Awards and nominations:

Won the Special Feature Film Award at the Golden Rooster Film Awards (jinji jiang)

Won Excellent Feature Film and Excellent Director at the Huabiao Awards

Won Best Film at the Baihua Awards

Participated in the China Film Week in Berlin,  Los Angeles and New York